Marketing, Sales, Finance, Mortgage, Land Purchase, Development...  

In homebuilding, you generally think about one of these divisions. But, Customer Care and Warranty Service can be...and often times is...a pivotal piece of the building puzzle that homebuilders overlook.  

Since 1995, Laird Group has been working with builders across the United States and Canada to make their after-contract and after-sale Customer Care the best it can be.

During that time, we have seen the market take small builders and make them large builders.  We have also seen the downturn...where large, national builders cease to exist.

Whether you're growing...or contracting, you can see the effects in the warranty and customer care department.  Laird Group has created programs that help get your message out.  Field staffing will change.  But, we create a system where your core message to your buyers is consistent...whether it is in the best of times...or not-so-best-of-times.  

Video writing, producing and editing - 28 Years and counting...

Homebuilding...from a different perspective

When you have spent as much time in warranty and customer care as we have, you start to see the positive effects of having a process-driven construction model that revolves around the needs of the homebuilder and their clients.

Since 1999, Laird Group has worked with two private homebuilding operations to create effective sales and marketing strategies that see marketing as a global effort, penetrating all departments within a building operation.  While referral and word of mouth sales can be hard to quantify, losing sales because of poor construction, closing procedures and/or warranty and Customer Care is something all homebuilders have to deal with.  In worst-case scenarios, builders are dealing with lawsuits brought on by angry homeowners...or angry HOA's.

Our sales and marketing strategy looks at creating a solid community program, with emphasis on signage, targeted advertising, direct email programs and specific SEO programs.  If you're a large builder with multiple communities, we also look at how we can brand your company to effectively communicate with your buyer demographic.  

But, when a contract is signed, we turn our work to make sure the buyer understands what is in front of them...what they need to do for the builder versus only what the builder will do for them during the construction and completion of their new home.  

We also work to have the departments within the company integrated with their message to the buyers. This creates a stream-lined system, where both builder and buyer understand what each is doing. 

 People • Ideas • Managed Solutions

Laird Group

Sales and Marketing

- 24 years...and counting...